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Board Meeting June 2016 (link was deactivated by them on 02/16/18 for a few hours, WORKING NOW)
Start watching the video at 31 minutes and 40 seconds. WOW! at 50 minutes and 44 seconds; it is amazing CJ is still employed!!
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Current principal of Calabasas High School, CJ Foss, is scheduled to testify and be questioned at the Marina Del Rey courthouse on Monday, February 12th starting at 8:30 am.
Current principal of Calabasas High School, CJ Foss is GOING BACK on the stand: On March 28 starting at 8:30 am.
Current principal of Calabasas High School, CJ Foss is GOING BACK on the stand: On May 9th, 2018, starting at 8:30 am.
Current Superintendent of Las Virgenes Unified School District, Dan Stepenosky will also be testifying and questioned. Date: TBD
Everyone is welcome to be present at the courthouse on these days. This issue has become a public interest story so you are welcome to attend. A request will be made to the court to allow any interested parties to be present and listen to the testimony.
Courthouse Address:
4720 Lincoln Blvd
Marina Del Rey, CA 90292
If you are unable to attend, transcripts of the testimony may be available at a later date.
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